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Showing posts from April, 2013

The Pleasures of Travelling

People travel to faraway places to watch, in fascination,  the kind of people they ignore at home.                                                                                                             -Dagobert D. Runes Much has been said about travelling, about how it exposes us to a new culture, reveals endlessly a series of bright and beautiful sights that one could never find at home, how it reawakens in us a sense of childish curiosity and awe and reignites the explorer in our soul. And so it goes on and on. The atmosphere these thoughts create is in itself extremely exciting. One can probably go delirious deciding where to go and what to do there, even before one has already been there. And when we finally arrive at our destination, the novelty of it all culminates in a visual orgasm, one after the other. “Waah, so nice!” is heard for the umpteenth time. Out comes the camera and the building is photographed from all 360 degrees and uploaded onto Facebook for