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Showing posts from October, 2016

In Defense of that A Thing

Disclaimer : I have never been in a relationship before, so there is a pretty good chance that once you have read the post below, you will come to the conclusion I have no bloody idea what I am talking about, in which case, I honestly couldn't give a fuck. "She was the artsy kind. Very quiet. She liked to go to museums and read. She asked me if I read. Lols!" Lols? Before whatsapp, facebook, TV and whatnot, we all kind of used to do that, though it seems that it has fallen out of fashion with the majority, unless it was Harry Potter (which I have no issues with), Twilight (which I have issues with) or 50 Shades of Grey (which proves I am the one with issues). When reading fell out so fashion, so did readers, like her, with whom he fell he had little in common with. To use the more romanticist term, there was no 'compatibility'.  What was this thing with this type of compatibility, when a potential partner had to be interested and doing the same things...

Country of Angry Men

It was a sight to behold. One of the most respected and acclaimed actors in India cinema having a meltdown on national television. I stood transfixed on the spot as he railed against the host, his show and the media for sensationalising the issue and driving partisan politics. Once he had vented his anger, there was quiet. Arnab knew he had won. This was what his show was about and the ratings would go through the roof. All he had to do was stay calm, stay firm and so effortlessly use the outburst of the senile old man as irrational and worse, unpatriotic, in a time of fervent patriotism. I was angered, because he had won yet again, to the delight of my father who never failed to catch the show first thing in the morning before he left for work. It was called a debate, but it was anything but a civilised debate. It was geared towards invoking passion, creating divide, making the panelists lose their temper (and meltdown) and it was all too brilliantly conducted by Arnab with his cons...