I am someone who don't really have many wants, partly because I don't really know what I want. This posed a problem for my coming birthday. You see, I have a habit of telling my parents and my sisters what I want for my birthday. This saves the trouble of being given things that I would not end up using and not being given things that I needed using. For my coming birthday, all I needed was a watch as my old one was badly scratched from my frequent tumbling during a skating clinic. That I assigned to my parents. And then my sisters asked me what I wanted, to which I had no answer. I racked my brains but there was nothing that I needed at that point in time that would fall within their budget. And chances were that if I did not tell them anything, they would get me a shirt, and chances are that shirt would just disappear in the pile of shirts overflowing from my cupboard. And then I had an answer. I wanted a plant. It was a weird request. Even I did not see it coming. But ...