For those of you who have taken a good look at my face, and not lost you sanity, would have noticed a small scar between my eyebrows. A scar that I got as a child when I chose to pick a fight with a group of boys older than me for reasons that I cannot remember. But what I do remember is that the fight had started with my signature move, whereby I bit the guy's hair. While I was left disgusted by the hair that got stuck between my teeth, my victim gave me a shove that sent me flying against a strong teak bed that cut open a small wound on my forehead. Those were the times, when arguments were won by fights, when the strongest of your friends was always right, when I only argued with those I was sure I could beat if I had to. Which was pretty much just this thin guy in my class who was too weak even to start an argument. And then I grew up, with my last known punch thrown in aggression being sometime in Secondary 2. Lately, I realised that as you grow older, sometimes the ...