The first one was titled "The Common man". It was a short story set in India that narrated the story of an not so well to do man who goes for a haircut at an upscale hairstylist. There he witnesses some incredulous sights and ends up paying probably his month's salary only to have his hair washed and snipped. I sped through it, clicking at sections further down the video bar, for the video was slow and I knew how it was going to end. I scrolled down. "Watch what happens when a lion startles a Hippo". The caption gave it away and I clicked the link with the expectation of a Hippo breaking a lion into two. Unfortunately, the website was only willing to revel its full contents in return for me disabling my ad blocker. Fat chance so I closed that tab and scrolled down again. "Giant Ramen. Only in Japan", caught my attention. This one was quite cool. The ramen was huge and they showed a foodie digging into it bit by bit.
That is how most of our days are wasted. The internet is a wonderland of surprises, full of videos that astonishes, shocks and keeps us rooted to our seat. once we are done with one video, the internet is ready with the next. Slowly, what little time we have is burned and before we know it, the day is over.
And we wonder why real life, regardless of how far we go, what we see or who we meet, is so unfulfilling, boring and routine. Maybe because we have lost the capacity to be surprised, because everything there is to see, we have seen, behind that bright little screen.
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