If there is something I really enjoy in life, it is meeting
like-minded people. If there is anything I enjoy even more, it is meeting
someone who has a set of beliefs completely opposed to mine, but whom I can’t
prove wrong by reason. Now that is someone with a refreshingly new perspective.
“Well, there are other girls inside right?”
He was one such person.
Tall, respectably well built and
bearded with hair uncut in months, he resembled more of a hitchhiker than a
playboy. I was not aware of his little hobby when I had decided to to host him
at my place for a night. The truth came to light from his own mouth, and while
there was all the possibility he could have been making up these stories, I saw
firsthand the way he dealt with the girls, and I could see they loved him, his
boyish charm, his jokes and his attention.
Expectedly, my first question to him was, “So can you give
me any tips?” What he revealed is probably what you already know. The art of
picking up is essentially the art of marketing, except this time the product is
you yourself. Just as how a good salesman goes about selling a product, you
have to believe in that product, make sure it looks good, that you pay
attention to what the customer wants and you present the product as being
able to satisfy that want, that you go to the customer instead of waiting the
customer to go to you, that you learn from past mistakes and keep trying and that you sell the product to as many people as you can.
“It’s a numbers game Krish. You go to a club, line up every
girl and tell her “I want to fuck you”, one will eventually say yes”, he
shared with the casualness of a playboy.
Of course, to me the real curiosity was in knowing why he did
it. Why was this promiscuous lifestyle preferable to the faithful, one partner
life preached to me from such a young age.
“Where I come from, 80% of all marriages end up in divorce
after 5 years. The girls I date know what they are getting into and come on, there
are no strings attached and I am having a lot of fun”.
How do you argue against that?
What he presented to me a was a different culture, a different lifestyle that
was right to him but felt wrong to me, fundamentally because our cultures operated
on a different set of beliefs. I could try to live by his lifestyle, but it
would be incompatible with that of mine. There was once an
Singaporean friend of mine who met a Caucasian girl online. After much chatting, they
arranged to meet at a club. He brought me along for some courage (not sure how
that works) and we reached there much later than her.
The line outside the club was long and boisterous, so my
friend tried to call her, only for her to hang up the call every single time. His excitement
faded and a look of worry and betrayal appeared as he tried hard to figure out why
she did not respond.
“I don’t want to go inside anymore”, he confessed. “I am afraid
once inside, I will probably see her in the arms of another man”.
If I had brought my new friend there, he might have went,
“Well, there are other girls inside right?”
That is where the difference lies.
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